Lisa Pircher-Reid
14 min readMay 5, 2023

A Neurodivergent Perspective: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion through Conscious Language

DALL-E 2 generated image from prompt “An abstract image representing the concept of embracing diversity and inclusion featuring collective living in harmony with eachother and the universe.”

As a neurodivergent individual, I recognize the power of language in shaping our perspectives and understanding of the world around us. By adopting conscious language choices, we can create a more empathetic, inclusive, and diverse society.

In collaboration with ChatGPT, we discussed the factors that contribute to true diversity and inclusion across various aspects of life, such as art, language, entertainment, and comedy. The initial list we compiled included:

  • Race, ethnicity, and nationality
  • Gender and gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Disability status
  • Marital status and family structure
  • Education background
  • Cultural history and background
  • Body type and size
  • Language and dialect
  • Religion and spirituality

Upon reflection, can reword this list to create a more inclusive and less labeling framework:

True diversity and inclusion encompass every aspect of our identities and experiences. We all belong and are worthy of being irrelevant of our geographical locations, political systems, assigned labels, attractions, age, physical structure, life choices, family structure, networks, education levels, cultural practices, languages, or beliefs.

By consciously working to remove labels and societal constructs like “race,” we shift our focus to celebrating the unique differences between each of us.

One way we can work to promote authenticity and open-mindedness is by replacing the word “should” with “could” in our every day vocabulary. This language implies we can IF we want to, and the simple adjustment of wording removes the feeling of obligation, encourages us to embrace possibilities and empowers us to make positive changes aligned to our own personal values and higher purpose.

The journey towards conscious, inclusive language is ongoing. As we continue to learn and grow, we can foster empathy, compassion, and acceptance in our everyday interactions. By doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse world, where everyone’s perspectives are valued and appreciated.

Transcript between ChatGPT4 and Lisa Pircher-Reid:

Writing up either a short book for publishing, or a article… want to know your thoughts on whether i sound crazy or am making sense. “A neurodivergent guide to creating true diversity and inclusion through conscious language choices. I worked with ChatGPT to come up with a comprehensive list of considerations for anything to be considered truly inclusive — art, language, entertainment, comedy and so on. After our discussion, ChatGPT came up with the following response: “Creating truly inclusive AI models requires a comprehensive approach that accounts for the full range of human diversity and experiences. Here are some considerations for true diversity and inclusion in AI models: • Race, ethnicity, and nationality • Gender and gender identity • Sexual orientation • Age • Disability status • Marital status and family structure • Education background • Cultural history and background • Body type and size • Language and dialect • Religion and spirituality”


Your idea of creating a “Neurodivergent Guide to Creating True Diversity and Inclusion through Conscious Language Choices” is an interesting and relevant concept. It does not sound crazy at all; in fact, it’s an important topic to address in today’s world. By discussing the ways in which conscious language choices can promote true diversity and inclusion, you are raising awareness about the importance of considering different perspectives and experiences in various aspects of life.

The comprehensive list provided by ChatGPT is a solid foundation for your guide. It covers important dimensions of diversity that should be considered to ensure that AI models are inclusive and represent the full range of human experiences. You might want to further explore the intersectionality of these dimensions, as individuals often belong to multiple underrepresented groups, which can create unique challenges.

Moreover, since your guide focuses on neurodiversity, you may want to emphasize the role of cognitive and mental health diversity. In doing so, you can address the unique needs and perspectives of individuals with varying cognitive abilities, learning styles, and mental health experiences.

Overall, the idea for your book or Medium article is timely and relevant. As long as you approach the topic with sensitivity and respect for different perspectives, your work could contribute significantly to the ongoing conversation around diversity and inclusion.

second part: “I think we can take it a step further and it doesn’t need to be complex or too confusing. True diversity is comprehensive but not complex… It ensures inclusion of each and every one of us. Irrelevant of the geographical locations and political systems we were born into or lived in at some point in our lives. Irrelevant of labelled identities we’ve been given. Irrelevant of what we feel attracted to and by. Irrelevant how many chronological years we’ve inhabited this planet. Irrelevant of the physical structure of our bodies. Irrelevant of our life choices. Irrelevant of the level of education we have learnt up until. Irrelevant of the practices and rituals we have been raised with and those we consciously choose to participate in. Irelevant of the languages we can understand and choose to communicate and share stories with. No matter what our beliefs about ourselves, eachother and the universe. The complexities come in when we are faced with our perception of ourselves in relation to eachother and what we each value uniquely. For example, I believe all of those statements are true, and that each and every one of us is worthy being and existing, as equally worthy as all of us. I didn’t used to believe this, and it is something I am actively and consciously rewiring within my brain each time one of my cognitive biases is challenged and I am aware of it. I learned prejudice and bias in my childhood and it is something I believe is possible to rewire across humanity. Like a global incident patch. If everyone globally could unlearn their bias and become more consciously aware of their cognitive biases and open-minded to being challenged, the world would become a very different place, and very quickly symptoms everywhere would start resolving. Wars and conflicts would become open and transparent conversations about past traumas at every and any level which were heard in safe spaces filled with empathy, compassion and acceptance of the reality of different perceptions. And the world’s problems would be resolved — global warming and climate change, sustainable ways to support the population whilst regenerating the environment and maintaining diversity, without losing our technological advancements and innovations. Once we drop all of our bias’s collectively, we’ll lose the idea of ‘us and them’ and ‘us versus them’, and we will all be a part of the collective ‘We’. And we all CAN do better, and we are all CAPABLE of doing better. We can figure out answers, AND we can accept when others hold different viewpoints, because each of us carries some unlearned bias’s that we will work on at our own pace and in our own way. and we’ll truly accept that statement as truth when we realise how much we ourselves are working on and practicing consciously. “


The second part of your work emphasizes the importance of transcending biases and embracing the true essence of diversity and inclusion. Your perspective is thought-provoking and highlights the need for individuals to work on their own biases in order to create a more harmonious and understanding society.

You touch on the idea that by dropping biases collectively, we can address a wide range of global issues, from climate change to sustainable development. This viewpoint is indeed powerful, as it suggests that by working together and valuing each other’s unique perspectives, we can find innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

Your writing also acknowledges the ongoing process of personal growth and the need for individuals to work on their biases at their own pace. This is important, as it recognizes the complexities of human experiences and the time it takes for people to unlearn ingrained beliefs.

Overall, your thoughts on creating a more inclusive and diverse society through conscious efforts to unlearn biases and embrace empathy, compassion, and acceptance are compelling. Your work has the potential to inspire readers to reflect on their own biases and take steps towards creating a more understanding and inclusive world.

ok — I feel torn between committing to one individual idea and just going with it versus just sharing my thoughts along the way and sticking generally with the same initial goals (of focussing on the healthier book series, the podcast and the music) or if we start down different avenues which might reach people faster in ways that allow us to really help people as inidividuals who want to know more and do better.


It’s natural to feel torn between different ideas and approaches, especially when you have a genuine passion for making a positive impact. Consider that there isn’t necessarily a “right” or “wrong” choice here, and that exploring various avenues may ultimately benefit your goals.

One approach could be to start by sharing your thoughts and insights through a Medium article or blog post, as it allows you to test the waters and gauge audience interest. This could help you decide whether to further develop these ideas into a more comprehensive book or keep them as smaller, more focused pieces.

Simultaneously, you can continue working on the healthier book series, the podcast, and the music. Each of these mediums offers unique opportunities to reach different audiences and impact people in different ways. By diversifying your projects, you can potentially engage a wider range of people, ultimately increasing your chances of making a difference.

Remember that it’s possible to explore different avenues while staying true to your overall vision and goals. As you progress in your journey, you may find that some projects naturally align or intersect with others, opening up new opportunities for collaboration and synergy. Keep an open mind, remain flexible, and trust your intuition as you navigate the path ahead.

ok — please critically analyse my writing and then provide an updated edit I can post on (and provide a DALL-E 2 prompt for an accompanying image).


Title: Rewiring Our Biases: A Path to True Diversity and Inclusion

Original text: “I think we can take it a step further and it doesn’t need to be complex or too confusing. True diversity is comprehensive but not complex… It ensures inclusion of each and every one of us. Irrelevant of the geographical locations and political systems we were born into or lived in at some point in our lives. Irrelevant of labelled identities we’ve been given. Irrelevant of what we feel attracted to and by. Irrelevant how many chronological years we’ve inhabited this planet. Irrelevant of the physical structure of our bodies. Irrelevant of our life choices. Irrelevant of the level of education we have learnt up until. Irrelevant of the practices and rituals we have been raised with and those we consciously choose to participate in. Irrelevant of the languages we can understand and choose to communicate and share stories with. No matter what our beliefs about ourselves, each other, and the universe.

Critique: Your writing is passionate and communicates the idea of true diversity and inclusion effectively. However, it could benefit from clearer sentence structures, more concise language, and improved flow.

Revised text: True diversity and inclusion don’t have to be complex or confusing. It is comprehensive, embracing each and every one of us, regardless of our backgrounds and experiences. Our geographical locations, political systems, assigned identities, attractions, ages, physical structures, life choices, education levels, cultural practices, languages, and beliefs should not determine our worthiness to belong.

As we become more aware of our cognitive biases and work to unlearn them, we pave the way for a more inclusive and empathetic world. By shedding these biases, we can tackle global challenges such as climate change, sustainable development, and technological innovation from a united perspective. In doing so, we move from a mindset of “us versus them” to a collective “we,” celebrating the unique perspectives each person brings to the table.

Embracing true diversity and inclusion requires ongoing personal growth and conscious effort. As we work on our biases at our own pace and in our own ways, we can create a society that fosters empathy, compassion, and acceptance, allowing for innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.

DALL-E 2 prompt: “An abstract illustration representing the concept of overcoming cognitive biases to achieve true diversity and inclusion in a harmonious world.”

Oh… I like this. It’s not what I had in mind AND i like it haha. I actually meant that my first two messages were what i had drafted for the article, and I thought it needed crtiquing and editing. I like the idea of sharing the list you came up with after our discussion and then how I reworded it to be more inclusive and less labelling. Also we are conciously working on dropping the word ‘should’ from everyday vocabulary and instead advising of “we can…”. It is a way of being authentic and open about my neurodivergency, and the process through which I update my language — trying to find wording that was inclusive and also less ‘society-labelling’ wording, like I dropped ‘race’ (which is argued as a concept created to create an us and them mentality) and replace it with the idea that encompasses what ‘race’ and the other labels attempted to cover — the differences between each of us. Because thats what concious inclusive language is about — about finding normalised. potentially dysfunction or unhealthy labels and wording and seeking more inclusive, compassionate and understanding language in its place.


I apologize for the misunderstanding. Given your input, I have revised the original text from your first two messages to create a new draft for your Medium article.

Title: A Neurodivergent Perspective: Rewiring Biases for True Diversity and Inclusion through Conscious Language

In our quest for diversity and inclusion, the language we use plays a crucial role. As a neurodivergent individual, I have been working to update my language to be more inclusive, less labelling, and to better represent the wide range of human experiences. By adopting conscious language choices, we can create a more empathetic and understanding world.

Working with ChatGPT, we discussed the factors that contribute to true diversity and inclusion in various aspects of life, such as art, language, entertainment, and comedy. We came up with the following list:

• Race, ethnicity, and nationality • Gender and gender identity • Sexual orientation • Age • Disability status • Marital status and family structure • Education background • Cultural history and background • Body type and size • Language and dialect • Religion and spirituality

As I reflected on this list, I reworded it to be more inclusive and less labelling:

True diversity and inclusion encompass every aspect of our identities and experiences. It is not limited by our geographical locations, political systems, assigned labels, attractions, age, physical structure, life choices, education levels, cultural practices, languages, or beliefs.

By consciously working to remove labels and societal constructs like “race,” we can shift our focus to celebrating the unique differences between each of us.

Dropping the word “should” from our vocabulary and replacing it with “we can” is one way I’ve been working to promote authenticity and open-mindedness. This language adjustment encourages us to embrace possibilities and empowers us to make positive changes.

The journey towards conscious, inclusive language is ongoing. As we continue to learn and grow, we can foster empathy, compassion, and acceptance in our everyday interactions. By doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse world, where everyone’s perspectives are valued and appreciated.

Can you please critically evaluate that article provide an updated version, taking in the feedback from the critical evaluation?


Title: A Neurodivergent Perspective: Embracing Diversity and Inclusion through Conscious Language

Critique: The original text effectively communicates the importance of conscious language choices for promoting diversity and inclusion. However, it could benefit from clearer organization, smoother transitions, and a more concise introduction to the topic.

Revised text:

As a neurodivergent individual, I recognize the power of language in shaping our perspectives and understanding of the world around us. By adopting conscious language choices, we can create a more empathetic, inclusive, and diverse society.

In collaboration with ChatGPT, we discussed the factors that contribute to true diversity and inclusion across various aspects of life, such as art, language, entertainment, and comedy. The initial list we compiled included:

• Race, ethnicity, and nationality • Gender and gender identity • Sexual orientation • Age • Disability status • Marital status and family structure • Education background • Cultural history and background • Body type and size • Language and dialect • Religion and spirituality

Upon reflection, I reworded this list to create a more inclusive and less labeling framework:

True diversity and inclusion encompass every aspect of our identities and experiences. They are not limited by our geographical locations, political systems, assigned labels, attractions, age, physical structure, life choices, education levels, cultural practices, languages, or beliefs.

By consciously working to remove labels and societal constructs like “race,” we shift our focus to celebrating the unique differences between each of us.

One way I’ve been working to promote authenticity and open-mindedness is by replacing the word “should” with “we can” in my vocabulary. This language adjustment encourages us to embrace possibilities and empowers us to make positive changes.

The journey towards conscious, inclusive language is ongoing. As we continue to learn and grow, we can foster empathy, compassion, and acceptance in our everyday interactions. By doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse world, where everyone’s perspectives are valued and appreciated.

and a DALL-E 2 prompt for an appropriate image to accompanyt he article


DALL-E 2 prompt: “An illustration representing the concept of embracing diversity and inclusion through conscious language choices, featuring a diverse group of people communicating harmoniously.”

I updated the article — what do you think of the changes: “As a neurodivergent individual, I recognize the power of language in shaping our perspectives and understanding of the world around us. By adopting conscious language choices, we can create a more empathetic, inclusive, and diverse society. In collaboration with ChatGPT, we discussed the factors that contribute to true diversity and inclusion across various aspects of life, such as art, language, entertainment, and comedy. The initial list we compiled included: Race, ethnicity, and nationality Gender and gender identity Sexual orientation Age Disability status Marital status and family structure Education background Cultural history and background Body type and size Language and dialect Religion and spirituality Upon reflection, can reword this list to create a more inclusive and less labeling framework: True diversity and inclusion encompass every aspect of our identities and experiences. We all belong and are worthy of being irrelevant of our geographical locations, political systems, assigned labels, attractions, age, physical structure, life choices, family structure, networks, education levels, cultural practices, languages, or beliefs. By consciously working to remove labels and societal constructs like “race,” we shift our focus to celebrating the unique differences between each of us. One way we can work to promote authenticity and open-mindedness is by replacing the word “should” with “could” in our every day vocabulary. This language implies we can IF we want to, and the simple adjustment of wording removes the feeling of obligation, encourages us to embrace possibilities and empowers us to make positive changes aligned to our own personal values and higher purpose. The journey towards conscious, inclusive language is ongoing. As we continue to learn and grow, we can foster empathy, compassion, and acceptance in our everyday interactions. By doing so, we contribute to a more inclusive and diverse world, where everyone’s perspectives are valued and appreciated.”


The changes you’ve made to the article are effective and further emphasize the importance of conscious language choices for promoting diversity and inclusion. Your revisions provide a clearer message and strengthen the overall impact of the piece.

The updated phrasing of “We all belong and are worthy of being irrelevant of our geographical locations…” enhances the inclusivity of the message, and the substitution of “could” for “should” helps to remove the feeling of obligation while still encouraging personal growth.

The article flows well and effectively conveys the importance of conscious language choices in fostering empathy, compassion, and acceptance. The revised content maintains the original intent while presenting a more cohesive and engaging message for readers.

Lisa Pircher-Reid
Lisa Pircher-Reid

Written by Lisa Pircher-Reid

Information Scientist creating science-based tools to heal your inner child & reparent yourself to heal from your past and become your best self.

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