5 Steps to Intentionally Design Your Life for Success

Lisa Pircher-Reid
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Are you building the future you want, or are you letting it build itself? Discover the five essential steps to intentionally design a life that reflects your deepest aspirations for success.

Step 1: Set High Standards for Personal and Interpersonal Behaviors

Reflect on the behaviors you accept from yourself and those around you. High standards in behavior foster an environment conducive to growth and success. By establishing and maintaining these standards, you influence both your personal progress and the quality of your relationships.

Start by evaluating how you react in challenging situations and the qualities you accept in those you associate with.

Step 2: Align Today’s Actions with Tomorrow’s Goals

Consider every action as a seed planted for the future you desire. From career moves to personal development, align your daily actions with your long-term goals. This could mean enrolling in courses that enhance your skills, investing time in meaningful relationships, or maintaining health routines that energize and empower you.

Step 3: Cultivate a Grateful and Empowering Mindset

Your thoughts shape your reality. Steer your mental focus towards opportunities and solutions by attaching yourself to empowering thoughts. Practice mindfulness and gratitude to keep your thoughts aligned with your life’s objectives. A strong mindset is resilient in weathering the storms of life.

Step 4: Transform Your Core Beliefs to Support Your Aspirations

Examine the beliefs that underpin what you think is possible. Are they supporting your aspirations or holding you back? Implement strategies for replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, enabling you to break through previous boundaries and reach greater heights. This might involve challenging old narratives you’ve believed about yourself and adopting new, supportive ones that reflect your current ambitions.

Step 5: Make Lifestyle Choices That Reflect Your Values and Goals

Your lifestyle is a mirror of the future you’re working towards. Evaluate how your choices about health, relationships, and work contribute to your overall life design. Ensure that your day-to-day life aligns with your long-term aspirations, making adjustments as necessary to live a life that truly reflects your values and goals.

Designing a successful life isn’t about leaving things to chance; it’s about making choices with intention and purpose. Each step you take can lead you closer to the life you’ve always wanted.

Reflect on the choices you made today. Were they steps towards the future you want?

If you’re ready to commit to making intentional decisions every day, and watch as your life transforms, you can subscribe to my newsletter for change-makers and forward-thinkers here: https://go.copytweaker.com/p/sRkuUr



Lisa Pircher-Reid

Exploring 14 interconnected areas of health and wellbeing to create a healthier future.